Build your Brand
Build a Perfume line that scales to your brands needs.
Boost Your Brands Revenue
Chanel, Gucci, LVMH, and others have used perfumery as a way of maintaining profitability for their businesses since their inception. Learn their secrets and take your business to the next level.
Build a New Revenue Stream
Diversify your revenue in order to build more options for your customers and clients.
Increase Your Profits
Perfumery is historically one of the top profit points for fashion businesses. We help you realize those profits that can be nearly $20k additional revenue per year!
Spread Your Brand into New Markets
Fashion is the most competitive global industry, we make it easy to spread your brand into new areas of the market.
Scale Your Business
The profits of perfumery can be reinvested into other parts of your business, and allow you to scale your main product lines quality.
How Does It Work?
Work with our world-class and French trained perfumer to discuss the details of your brand, desired fragrance, profit point, marketing approach, and launch strategy. We walk with you through the entire process, and help you create a revenue stream that you can put minimum effort into for maximum profit.
Meet with World Class Perfumer
Our Perfumer Ethan Turner has created +300 succesful unique formulas, created profit within the first months for all our portfolio brands, and has created a system and network to help scale your perfumery needs. He also is the 2021 Perfumer of the Year from Pinappos, and is a French Trained Perfumer through ISIPCA - the world's top Perfume school.
Choose your Order Quantity and Fulfilment Preference
We build from small batch to large orders, and help with different forms of fulfilment. We offer:
White/Private Label
Fragrance Compound Orders
Scaling to Fulfilment Center

We share your product in new markets
Engage your brand with our network of writers and columnists from different fragrance magazines, blogs, journals, and news networks. Expand your brands reach from fashion to new areas of beauty and cosmetics.
Scale and Grow your Perfumery line in order to scale and grow your business
Our portfolio brands see profits within the first months of launching, and we help you organize your profit for scaling your fashion business, as well as your perfume line. Scale your perfume line from small batch orders to sales of $1000's per month.

Our Portfolio Brands

Blue Coileon
A fragrance reminiscent of fresh fruits, sweet woods, and intoxicating energy, this fragrance was launched Spring 2023